Thursday, December 10, 2015

Flying the Goon (Drone)

We purchased a drone a few years ago to take some different shots of our roaming around in the desert. These two pictures are  the Motor Home, Trailer and Can-Am.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Roaming Beef Basin, October 2014

Saturday morning was cool and clear but not bad for the last week of October. We left Moab Utah and headed for Beef Basin. Our first stop was at Newspaper Rock.

From Newspaper Rock we got on the gravel and dirt road to Beef Basin. We found a big enough place to park and unload the Side x Sides. From the parking area it was still a good 20 miles to the Basin. After arriving in the Basin we started looking for the Ruins. They were found spread out all over the Basin.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day

Jo and I had a different Thanksgiving meal today. We had Steak, Bake Potato and Veggies. The only thing I missed was a pie. After dinner clean-up was a snap. We might miss having left overs as I really like making Turkey and Cranberry sandwiches. It was a very relaxing day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wild Horse Fights

Over the last few years I have been in the right spot at the right time. These pictures of Wild Horses were taken in Utah's West Desert. The Players in the Desert spend a lot of time watching a few bands of horses in the Utah Desert.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Arizona Border Security

"Arizona's governor asks for millions of dollars for border security"

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said Monday he wants the Legislature to approve "tens of millions of dollars" in new funding for a border security force made up of state police, a move intended to address border smuggling even as immigration and terrorism worries emerge as potent 2016 political issues.
The Republican governor said his new plan to target smuggling along the Arizona border will focus on adding staffing, technology, air assets and highway patrol coverage. He also wants to boost spending on prosecutors, help county jails pay for holding added prisoners and temporarily use Arizona National Guard troops. Read more....